Join us sundays at 10:30AM


12 May - Jonah 3:1-10

  • The invitation to participate with God in His purposes seems daunting - what aspects of that invitation frighten or concern you?

  • What aspects of participating with God seem exciting to you? Have you experienced this in a way that you could share with the group?

  • What keeps you from sharing the Gospel or making the most of opportunities that God presents you with?

  • Have you seen God's name blasphemed because of how Christians live? If you are willing - has there been a time when you have represented God poorly?

  • Why do you think God invites us to participate with Him?


5 May - Jonah 1:17-2:10

  • Is it possible that Jonah's was really swallowed by a fish and survived? Read Matthew 12:40.

  • If there are no limits to God's power and miracles, what does that mean for God's pursuit of you?

  • Jonah's understanding of his situation seems honest and clear. He recognizes God's sovereign hand in all of this. But, does it seem like Jonah is missing something in this poem? Where does he mention regretting his disobedience?

  • Verse 8 - When we 'regard' vain idols, we forsake our hope. Why is that? What idols might we regard today?

  • Verse 9 - Jonah repents in the same manner as the Mariners - with sacrifices and vows. What does this repentance look like in our lives? What is true repentance? What do these sacrifices and vows look like for us?

  • Read Matthew 12:39-42 - In what ways is Jesus comparing himself to Jonah? What is the purpose of Jesus' reference to Jonah?


28 April - Jonah 1:3-15a

  • What does God's pursuit of Jonah tell us about God's character?

  • When the lot falls on Jonah - is this by chance or by God's design? What does that mean then about casting lots? Read Acts 1:26.

  • Verse 9 - Jonah says he fears the LORD. Is that accurate? How does he reconcile his fear of the LORD and his disobedience? How is it that we might say the same thing - confess confidence and faith in God, but don't live for him?

  • Was Jonah's sacrifice noble, selfish, or desperate?

  • What does the men's unwillingness to throw Jonah overboard tell us about their character? Why was this detail included?